I want to help you to claim your freedom
I believed money was the obstacle to my freedom. It truly tore me apart from the inside out and filled me with insecurity.
Over a two year period of my life, I discovered the true principles that govern how money really works and applied them to my life.
To this day, I am still in such deep gratitude for this experience. I have discovered my own freedom, lived out almost all my hearts desires and now teach others to do the same.
In this course, I will share with you the exact principles that changed my life and I will help you do the same.

Module 1: The Universal Principles of Money
Understand the core principles that are influencing and dictating your financial experience. In this first module you will begin to get an entirely different understanding for you how you can tap into real abundance.
Module 2: Your Inner World & Relationship to Money
Here you begin to have your own foundational discoveries of what causing your experience of money to be the way that it is. From there, we look at what is needed to change in order for you to access the abundance that is available to you.
Module 3: Shaping a New Relationship to Money
Let's start re-writing your experience of money. In this module, I lay out for you the very same, simple framework that I have used for myself to significantly alter my experience with money.
Module 4: Your Journey to a New Financial Reality
Here I outline the process that you can expect to go through after completing this course and really committing to creating a new experience with money. There is a core universal process of change that you can align yourself with in order to avoid the setbacks that often limit people when they attempt to make a significant change in their relationship to money and freedom.
When I was 22, I had an experience that completely shook up my financial world
Whilst on a spiritual quest in India, I was hit with an experience of pure insight that shifted my financial world forever.
I came to understand that does not function in the ways that we have been led to believe.
There are universal laws that govern every experience we can ever have.
Most of us (me included), have absolutely no idea how to live in accordance with these foundational laws, and instead are run by a constant stream of thoughts in our head that are largely centered around personal insecurity, safety, survival with no real insight to the greater picture of our lives, who we really or what is actually possible.
The insight that I received shook up my world so much, that I had to take on an entirely new way of living.
I could no longer maintain my past fears, enormous financial scarcity or petty insecurities.
I had realized what was possible, and I had to go out and live that in the world.
The two years that followed this experience were the most extraordinary, transformational years of my life. I traveled all over the world and built my authentic dream.
In this course, I will be sharing with you exactly what it takes for you to re-write your relationship to money and tap into the fundamental principles of abundance.
Modern Day Educator & Visionary
Anthony Thompson
Having worked with hundreds of people all over the world as a mentor & private coach, he has now channeled his work into The Awake Man Academy, providing foundational guidance for men to "wake up" to who they really are and lead their true mission in life.
"There are foundational principles of life that when you really get them on a fundamental level, your whole life begins to alter course and the world becomes a playground of endless possibility. I believe everyone has a right to this experience."

Understand exactly why your current experience of money is the way it is and what is required for things to change
Be deeply relieved that money is not against you, but with you.
Be clear on what it takes for you to live in abundance in your own life.
Be committed to living a new way, that is aligned with your core desires and values.
Be connected with the universal principles of money and abundance and able to use them in your life
A final message about this course
There is an epidemic in the world of personal growth in which people go from book-to-book, course-to-course, retreat-to-retreat without actually embodying and living that which they have discovered.
I can't stand this & it hurts me to see.
My own life has been a series of discoveries revealing to me the simplicity for what it really takes to live a powerful and authentic life.
I know that this process doesn't need to be difficult or for it to take years of you life.
Once you truly get these core insights, you cannot avoid living it in your daily life and experiencing the results.
I have structured all my work in a way that guides people to experience real insight for themselves so it can be directly applied to their own life.
I'm here to guide you to discover the truth within yourself so you can boldly embody a new possibility that totally shifts your experience of life.

How long will this course take me to complete?
The course is designed to be completed over 7-14 days.
There is approximately 3.5 hours of video content, with most lessons taking 10-20 minutes.
There is numerous homework assignments through this course as well as practice sessions.
Will this course work for me?
This course addresses the fundamental insights required to start completely shifting your relationship and experience with money.
The course itself cannot do anything for you, but you will be guided and supported through this course to make direct changes in your own life.
Is this the right course for me?
This is the right course for you if money is a topic in your life that you are ready and willing to address through a new set of eyes.
This course will challenge your current perceptions and behaviours with money, inviting you to take a new stance when it comes to abundance and freedom.
If you feel both excited and ready to embrace your journey with money, then this is definitely the course for you.
Has this course worked for other people?
Over the last few years I have personally coached, mentored and worked with a number of people to apply these same principles to their lives who are seeing results.
It's not a question of "does this work?"
I am not teaching a 'money making strategy', I am teaching you the principles of how money really works, so you can live in accordance with the nature of reality itself. When you do this, you will be the one to experience exactly what I speak of in this course.