I want to help you to discover the limitless possibility of your life
It was always about making money, fitting it with the norm and I was left with a constant feeling that this just wasn't how it was meant to be.
At age 20, I started to dramatically alter the course of my life by I leaving university and taking a leap into the unknown. This was a decision that led me to receive a true education - not from a book, but from life.
I began to receive mentorship from men that had lived their life with happiness, wealth and purpose. What they taught me, opened up an entirely new world of possibility that completed altered the course of my life in the years to come.
I started to discover more of who I really am and the power that I have within me to consciously lead and create my life.
I started to understand the universal principles that govern our lives, and are designed for us to be able to consciously create our experience.
I started to live in accordance with who I really am and what I really wanted. I took leaps into the unknown and welcomed the true adventure of my life.
From being an insecure, uncertain young man, I have now traveled all over the world, developed powerful relationships, lived out my purpose, built communities, found the woman of my dreams, created inspiring projects, lived in beautiful homes and so much more.
I have witnessed countless experiences of magic and miracles. I've truly seen that life can be created and manifested with relative ease and joy.
It's taken courage and a few leaps into the unknown, but I can truly say that I am a happy & free man that is the creator of his own life.
In this course, I will share with you the exact principles and practices that changed my life and how you can apply them to your own.
This course will teach you to free yourself from the internal barriers that anchor you in a limiting experience of yourself and support you to truly create your life in the most inspiring way to you.
Anthony Thompson
Founder of The Awake Man Academy

Module 1: Awakening To Possibility
Realize the adventure of life and what is really required for you to tap into the true possibility of your own life adventure. Embrace the limitations you hold, whilst awakening to what is possible.
Module 2: The 7 Core Phases Of Insight
Through my own life experience, you will be taken through the absolute foundational insights that must take place for you to truly tap into the potential of your soul's calling.
Module 3: Your Hero's Journey
In this module, you begin exploring what you are really here for and how you can start to live out your own 'hero's journey' with more deliberateness, purpose and courage.
Module 4: Beyond Mind
The potential that lies within you is not accessed through thinking, it is accessed beyond that. In this module, you will be guided to more deeply connect with your own source of wisdom and life-force that can only be accessed when you silence your mind and connect with the field of energy that is beneath your regular mind-chatter.
Module 5: Principles Of Greatness
In this final module, you will discover the core elements that will help you to massively accelerate your own life, whilst avoiding many of the traps of the mind that cause people to give up on their highest life path and ambitions.
About the instructor
Anthony Thompson
Having worked with hundreds of people all over the world as a mentor & private coach, he has now channeled his work into The Awake Man Academy, providing foundational guidance for men to "wake up" to who they really are and lead their true mission in life.
"There are foundational principles of life that when you really get them on a fundamental level, your whole life begins to alter course and the world becomes a playground of endless possibility. I believe everyone has a right to this experience."

Have received a powerful mentorship experience that will support you to consciously and powerfully create your life
Be connected with your core intentions for how you really want to live and create your life
Understand the path of greatness and how to navigate the obstacles that cause most people to fall back into their limited ways
Be inspired to living a new way, that is aligned with your core desires, mission and values.
Have gained deep insight about who you are, why you're here and what is truly possible
An experience that completely accelerated my life.
Whilst on a personal journey in India, I was hit with an experience of pure insight that completely shook up my life.
I came to understand that life does not function in the ways that we have been led to believe.
There are universal laws that govern every experience we can ever have.
Most of us (me included), have absolutely no idea how to live in accordance with these foundational laws, and instead are run by a constant stream of thoughts in our head that are largely centered around personal insecurity, safety, survival with no real insight to the greater picture of our lives, who we really or what is actually possible.
The insight that I received shook up my world so much, that I had to take on an entirely new way of living.
I could no longer maintain my past fears, enormous financial scarcity or petty insecurities.
I had realized what was possible, and I had to go out and live that in the world.
The two years that followed this experience were the most extraordinary, transformational years of my life. I traveled all over the world and built my authentic dream.
In this course, I share with you the same fundamental principles that changed my life, and how you can do the same.
A final message about this course
There is an epidemic in the world of personal growth in which people go from book-to-book, course-to-course, retreat-to-retreat without actually embodying and living that which they have discovered.
I can't stand this & it hurts me to see.
My own life has been a series of discoveries revealing to me the simplicity for what it really takes to live a powerful and authentic life.
I know that this process doesn't need to be difficult or for it to take years of you life.
Once you truly get these core insights, you cannot avoid living it in your daily life and experiencing the results.
I have structured all my work in a way that guides people to experience real insight for themselves so it can be directly applied to their own life.
I'm here to guide you to discover the truth within yourself so you can boldly embody a new possibility that totally shifts your experience of life.

How long will this course take me to complete?
The course is designed to be completed over 7-14 days.
There is approximately 4 hours of video content, with most lessons taking 10-20 minutes.
There is numerous homework assignments through this course as well as practice sessions to help you integrate the material you have learnt.
Will this course work for me?
This course addresses the fundamental principles that will allow you to influence your reality and lead your life.
The course itself cannot do anything for you, but you will be guided and supported through this course to make direct choices for your own life.
Is this the right course for me?
This is the right course for you if you feel ready to make a move to leading a more ambitious, purposeful and exciting life.
This course will invite you to take a new approach to how you choose to create and live your life on a daily basis.
If you feel excited about new possibility or frustrated with how things are currently going, then this is definitely the course for you.
Has this course worked for other people?
Over the last few years I have personally coached, mentored and worked with a number of people to apply these same principles to their lives who are seeing results.
It's not a question of "does this work?"
I am teaching you the foundational principles to how life works. When you understand this and apply some basic principles, you will be the one to experience exactly what I speak of in this course.