During this Four Part Training You Will Discover
The simple, yet untold foundations that govern your daily experience of life
Direct insights as to what is causing your life to continually be the way it is
How you can go from a powerless place in your life to one of consciously influencing your daily experience of life
Core guidelines for building your life towards a vision that is true to you
A simple daily practice that will help you build powerful momentum towards a new future
When I was 22, I had an experience that completely shook up my world
Whilst on an inner quest in India, I was hit with an experience of pure insight that shifted my life forever.
I came to understand that life does not function in the ways that we have been led to believe.
There are universal laws that govern every experience we can ever have.
Most of us (me included), have absolutely no idea how to live in accordance with these foundational laws, and instead are run by a constant stream of thoughts in our head that are largely centered around personal insecurity, safety, survival with no real insight to the greater picture of our lives, who we really or what is actually possible.
The insight that I received shook up my world so much, that I had to take on an entirely new way of living.
I could no longer maintain my past fears, enormous financial scarcity or petty insecurities.
I had realized what was possible, and I had to go out and live that in the world.
The two years that followed this experience were the most extraordinary, transformational years of my life. I traveled all over the world and built my authentic dream.
Join me in this free four-part training and I will share with you the same foundational insights that transformed my reality completely.
Anthony Thompson
Having worked with hundreds of people all over the world as a mentor & private coach, he has now channeled his work into The Awake Man Academy, providing foundational guidance for men to "wake up" to who they really are and lead their true mission in life.
"There are foundational principles of life that when you really get them on a fundamental level, your whole life begins to alter course and the world becomes a playground of endless possibility. I believe everyone has a right to this experience."